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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 07/24/2014
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
July 24, 2014

Present:        John Allen, Acting Chairman and Bill Lockard, Selectman

Visitors:       Town Office Administrative Assistant Julie Hoyt, Police Chief Karl Meyers, Treasurer Kathleen Dougherty, Videographer Hank Benesh, Bea Davis, Bob Davis, Sonny Couture, Jerry Dougherty, Barbara Theriault, Sally Brassill, Odd Bersvendsen, Lisa Dame-Moser

Acting Chairman John Allen called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – July 10, 2014  The minutes of July 10, 2014 were approved as written.  
  • Action Items
  • Discussion with Chamber of Commerce  Acting Chairman Allen had an excellent discussion with the Chamber about some of the issues the July 4th fireworks brought to light.  They will put out more porta-potties next year and the consensus was more cones needed to be put out to prevent the parking and traffic issues on Route 16.  Police Chief Karl Meyers noted he’s never seen parking along Route 16 like that ever; more cones might help.  It’s believed that there were so many attendees due to the fact the fireworks were held on a Saturday night and that July 4th had been rainy.  There was discussion about additional parking options or running a shuttle.
  • Prospect Farm Gate  This is on the agenda for discussion later.
  • Old Library Management Committee  Chairman Thompson is working on both the length of Committee members’ terms and the construction plans.  Town Office Administrative Assistant Julie Hoyt noted the plans are being worked on.  
  • Dundee Cemetery Sign  The faded sign was located; this will remain on the agenda until the sign is replaced or refurbished.
  • Striping on Carter Notch Road  The Board discussed this at its July 10th meeting and the information was passed on to George Howard; George isn’t happy with the response that Carter Notch Road is not striped because it’s not twenty-two feet wide in sections.  If there is logic to stripe all state roads, why not Carter Notch Road?  This is a passable road; he doesn’t see the issue with striping in the shoulder.  The Selectmen could submit a formal request to have the road striped however Selectman Lockard doesn’t think the town should spend the time to do it; if it is an issue for George, as a citizen, he can submit the letter.  George disagrees; he believes the Board should do this.  As Chairman Thompson is not in attendance, his input will be sought before a decision is made on this matter.
  • OLMC – Open Seats  There have been no responses to the notice of openings.
  • Selectmen’s Meetings in August  Meetings will be August 7th and 21st.  
  • Public Comments  Bea Davis spoke with the folks from the Forestry and the parking lot has been put in.  The Flag Holders were purchased through the Bartlett VFW which saved three dollars each.  
Jerry Dougherty noted that in the not-too-distant future the town will be buying a new Fire truck for around a half-million dollars.  Not many towns spend that much and he wonders if that decision will be left in the hands of one person or will there be a committee?  He believes a committee should include Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry, a Selectman and a citizen that is familiar with trucks.  Discussion should also include which vehicle is to be replaced and what criteria the new vehicle should meet.  The original plan had been to replace the ’89 but now it’s going to be the ’95.  Selectman Lockard will work with Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry on this; he’s happy to include anyone who has knowledge about the process.   Jerry would also like to know if the plan is to tap unused funds to do all of this, too.  Acting Chairman Allen noted there have been no numbers yet; there will be discussion about utilizing the Capital Reserve Fund or taking out a bond, or some combination of both as well as a conversation about which vehicle to trade.  

Sally Bassell noted she is on the agenda under New Business; she’d like the Board to consider moving the discussion up as they have another engagement.  She and Alden Bersvendsen joined the Board.  This is regarding their pond and the silt that has been running into it from the Couture property; this pond has existed for about thirty years; it used to be ten or eleven feet deep; now it is less than four inches deep.  Alden has pictures showing how the pond is clouding up; the water coming off Couture’s property looks like chocolate milk.  This is very disturbing; he has more pictures documenting how heavily washed out the driveway is.  They are concerned about the project; it’s not improving; it’s getting worse by each rain event.  Sally wants to know why this was allowed; it’s a very steep road; every time after it rains there are gullies and damage to the road; they continue to keep replacing the washouts with the same material.  The land used to filter the water; now it’s a completely open ledge with the water gushing out; it runs into their pond.  

Sally didn’t know she could come to the Selectmen; she and Alden have talked to Sonny; he “talks the talk” but nothing is getting better.  Sonny disagreed with this statement; he has been out there at 5 a.m. to look at it with them.  Until the construction is finished this is going to happen; he’s put in two miles of silt fence; it’s not perfect but he believes once the construction is done the fabric will hold the soil in place.  

This problem can’t be solved at this meeting; Engineer Phillips, Sonny, Sally and Alden need to get together to come up with some way to physically make an adjustment to keep this from happening.  Alden noted they met a year ago and Sonny had promised to do his best to keep this from happening; what he’s done is not good enough.  Sonny is building a road that is six thousand feet long and it keeps washing out; Sally and Alden have no idea what kind of fill is being used and what is in the material.  That material washes down into the stream; into their pond then into the Ellis and the Saco Rivers.  Selectman Lockard reiterated that this Board isn’t going to solve this problem at this meeting.  Town Office Administrative Assistant Hoyt was asked to coordinate a meeting with Sally, Alden, Sonny and Engineer Phillips.  Alden wants to see a plan where he and Sally can be shown there is a surface that doesn’t erode.  On July 5th he could hardly walk up there; he was up to his ankles in mud.  Sally would like the Board members to go up to the property and see it; they agreed to go up to the property immediately prior to its next meeting.  Acting Chairman Allen thanked Sally and Alden for bringing their concerns to the Board; they will work with the parties involved to make appropriate adjustments to the property.  Alden noted any improvement would be appreciated.     

Lisa Dame-Moser noted there are very dramatic changes on that road (Green Hill); there’s a great deal of erosion.  It’s decimated up there; there is a lot of water moving on this road.  Acting Chairman Allen noted this isn’t just happening on this road; it’s happening all over Jackson.  Lisa feels it’s more dramatic on Green Hill because Sonny took down all those trees; this issue goes far beyond the pond.  

Sally would like confirmation of receipt of the certified letters; neither she nor Alden remembers being noticed.  The Couture property went to the ZBA; it would be in their files.  Town Office Administrative Assistant Hoyt will follow up on this.  

Bob Davis pointed out no one is going to stop the erosion; just look at Black Mountain and Dundee Roads.  It was agreed this is why Engineer Phillips needs to be part of any further discussion on this issue.  

  • Police Report  Police Chief Meyers reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; some items included a grease fire at a local restaurant; three false burglar alarms and a call about a person lying on the sidewalk.  That call resulted in an intoxicated male being taken into custody.  Golf carts were being driven overnight by intoxicated people; one of the carts flipped and two people sustained significant injuries.  There was a domestic disturbance and a complaint of trash being left by the Transfer Station gate; the person has been located and has agreed to pay the fine.  A backpack was turned in; there were three Project Good Morning checks.  The new cruiser is coming along; it is currently at Ossipee Mountain Electronic; there are some things that are late coming in.  They hope to have it done next week then the other cruiser will go out to bid; the vehicle will be in the Police parking lot so people can look at it.  There was a VIN verification; one bear complaint; an assist to the National Forest Service with a car break-in.  A civil disturbance was reported at a B&B and there was a Domestic Disturbance at a local motel between a guest and motel staff; the guest wanted the Police to witness that there was no damage to their room.  A box truck went over the covered bridge and was cited; the State fixed the damage and will pursue payment on that.
  • Building Inspector  Acting Chairman Allen reviewed Building Inspector Goudreau’s report as well as the permits that have been issued.  
  • Weekly Report(s) Submitted by Robert Goudreau
  • Building Permit 2014000027 Map R12, Lot 82 – (Owner – Adjutant) – Replace existing decks, finish lower level living area, install gravel drive
  • Building Permit 2014000028 Map R17, Lot 31A – (Owner – Mittelholzer) – Construct 50’ x 40’ single family dwelling
  • Building Permit  2014000029 Map V04, Lot 21 – (Owner – Kelley) – Remove exterior existing chimney and re-roof house
  • Building Permit 2014000030 Map R12, Lot 105 – (Owner – Hill) – Replace existing deck and making it a screened in deck
  • Building Permit 2014000031 Map V10, Lot 211 – (Owner – Crane) – Extend building permit 2013000040 for 1 year
  • Building Permit 2014000032 Map V07, Lot 121 – (Owner – Leibovitz) – Remodel kitchen, 2 baths, flooring, entry porch, shed under deck, and convert garage to living space
  • New Business
  • Jackson Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2014 – FYI  This is an FYI only; once approved it may make Jackson eligible for grants.
  • Emergency Operations Plan Annual Concurrence Year 3 – Signatures required  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Acting Chairman Allen, made a motion to sign the Emergency Operations Plan.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Sally Bassell’s Pond – runoff from Couture construction  This has already been discussed; Acting Chairman asked if there was anything else anyone wanted to add; there were no additional comments.  
  • DRA – Reimbursement Request for White Mt. National Forest – Signatures required  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Acting Chairman Allen, made a motion to sign the Reimbursement Request for the White Mountain National Forest.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Tax Map R-13, Lot 19 Green Hill Road – Couture Easement – Signatures required  As Chairman Thompson is not in attendance tonight, the Board wondered about tabling this until the next meeting.  This application had to go to the ZBA; Sonny has already been waiting quite a while for this.  It was determined the two Selectmen present could sign with those signatures witnessed and notarized tonight and Chairman Thompson can sign it separately.  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Acting Chairman Allen, made a motion to sign the Couture Easement for Tax Map R13, Lot 19.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Clifton Smith Cemetery Trust Fund – New Fence – approval requested  Jane Grubb noted the Cemetery has gotten a bid to replace the fence; they will used funds from the Clifton Smith Cemetery Trust Fund to pay for this.  Gary Spears will remove the existing fence and replace it with granite posts and galvanized chain.  The bid includes clean up and site work.  This is an FYI only.  The reason the Cemetery is coming to the town is for the money to put up as no Trust can release funds until the job is done.  The Cemetery can’t expect Gary’s company to go into debt to do this.  Jane would also like to thank Town Office Administrator Atwell and Town Office Administrative Assistant Hoyt and the Trustees of the Trust Fund who worked this all out.  
  • Police – air conditioner  American Air has submitted a bid to add air conditioning to the Police Department; it will cost forty-two hundred dollars for two Mitsubishi wall units or twenty-three hundred for one.  In the interim, Chief Meyers would like to get an air conditioner unit for a couple hundred dollars; there is money in his budget to do that.  The Police Department has gone through this exercise several times and it has never been followed through.  Chief Meyers would like to put this in his budget for next year.  Selectman Lockard noted, with prejudice as he is the Police liaison, the Board should just install the two mini-splits for forty-two hundred and get it done and over with.  Acting Chairman Allen wants to hear from Chairman Thompson on this.  Town Office Administrative Assistant Hoyt noted there is nothing in the Police budget line for this but there are funds in the Maintenance of Town Buildings and Property line.  She doesn’t know if Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry is planning on using any of that.  This won’t go forward until both men have given their input.    
  • Covered Bridge Dance – bridge issues  Acting Chairman Allen noted the DOT has recommended the town not use the bridge for the dance in the same way it has; with so many people on it, the tonnage is exceeded.  The Chamber is happy to reorient the band so that folks are not dancing on the bridge.  Bob Davis noted the town always put the tank truck at thirty-thousand tons over it and there were no issues.  He also pointed out there are a load of folks on that bridge when they hold the Covered Bridge Race; the bridge was just rebuilt; the Budweiser Wagon went over that bridge.  It was noted that the gait of the horses allows the bridge to move differently so as not to damage it.  Acting Chairman Allen, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to sign the permits for the Covered Bridge Dance.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Driveway permit – V08, Lot 57 – (Owner Decubellis)  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Acting Chairman Allen, made a motion for Acting Chairman Allen to sign the Driveway permit for Tax Map V08, Lot 57 on behalf of the Selectmen.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Intent to Cut – Map R30, Lot 1 – (Owner Foster) – Signatures required  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Acting Chairman Allen, made a motion to sign the Intent to Cut for Tax Map R30, Lot 1.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Old Business
  • Old Library – Land Use Agreement  The Agreement is in process with Town Counsel.
  • Carter Notch Striping  This has been discussed but will remain an Action item for follow up.
  • Prospect Farm  An access proposal is in the works.  
  • Public Comment  Bob would like to discuss state roads; he noted the town mowed all the way up Town Hall Road; it is not the town’s responsibility to do the mowing on the state road.  The state does all the summer work and Jackson plows in the winter.  The end of Black Mountain Road is getting almost impassable and it didn’t get better last night.  He feels having it graded in the spring would have helped.
Jerry would caution the Board not to get involved in the Couture/Brasell issue.  He would reference the issue with the Shaw property; this is an issue between the owners not the town.    

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.

                                                        Respectfully submitted by:

                                                        Martha D. Tobin

                                                        Recording Secretary